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- Resources for Catholic Creators | Catholic Creators
Resources "Artists, writers and all those who use the means of social communication should exercise their profession in accordance with their Christian faith and with a clear awareness of the enormous influence which they can have." —Persona Humana Bl. Carlo Acutis, Pray For Us 1 Create Alongside Hundreds of Other Creators 2 Join a Community of Catholic Creators 3 Join Our Agency AndyScott, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons 4 Easily Crowdfund Your Projects 5 Free Music, Photos, and Videos (Coming Soon) 6 I AM Catholic Affiliate Program Partners We are glad to share websites that we think you will find helpful The Catholic Professional Platform Network with other Catholics across the world Catholic Jobs Find a job that glorifies God
- Distribution | Christian Creators
Distribution The Catholic Creators army is the foundation of a next-generation media company, I AM Catholic All of our content is released for absolutely free We pay-out half of our contributions to our creators We offer unique advertising opportunities Want To Learn How You Can Work With Us? Imagine Multimedia Produced by Hundreds of Creators Visit Our Website A movement lead by creators, not executives An apostolate that aims to be a global network for a new generation of voices, creates excellent media, and faces head on the age of the internet If you would like to join the movement as a creator, click here A Revival of Catholic Music Composed of independent musical talent, our team is producing renditions of ancient works while creating pieces for modern times. By connecting musicians from across the world, we hope to produce original renditions of the wonderful oeuvre of Catholic music, while also collaborating on new songs for the glory of God. We are distributing music to thousands of listeners each month. Discover Sacred Music, a Branch of I AM Catholic Create With Us Do you want to create new content alongside hundreds of other creators, or publish your existing content through us? Check out the details for I AM Catholic creators or Sacred Music musicians . Advertise For the modern consumer, one of the best advertisements your company can have is one so integrated in a piece of entertainment that it doesn't seem like an ad. With our huge YouTube network and original shows, we offer this opportunity. We also offer some forms of traditional advertising. If you are interested at all, let's talk today ! Squire Program Squires or supporters are necessary for any army, even if they don't necessarily do any frontline fighting. To strengthen our army of creators, we are dependent on the support of our squires, or people who pray for our success, financially contribute, and share our mission through our affiliate program. Join here . Sell With Us I AM Catholic is the home of a marketplace (only located in the USA for now), featuring unique products from independent sellers as well as traditional best-sellers. Add your products . Want To Distribute Your Content With I AM Catholic? We are glad to partner with independent creators, and able to amplify their reach, through our multimedia company Email Us
- Christian Creators | Worldwide Community for Digital Disciples
Christian Creators Community Platform | Celebrating 350 Members | Join for Free Today ! A Worldwide Army of Digital Disciples Fighting on the frontlines of the New Evangelization, fostering collaboration, and supporting cyber missionaries Join Our Army Want Our Help? The Latest Why Bl. Carlo Acutis Is the Ultimate Catholic Creator Celebrating his upcoming canonization! See More Becoming the President of a Fatima Apostolate | John C. Preiss An Episode of Creator Spotlight See More We are launching a mission crusade! New article: On the Urgency of a Cyber Crusade See More Want To Save Souls? Join Our Army! Calling all Catholic Creators! Now is the time to put your talent to use for evangelization. Join our community platform today. Click Here. See More A Call for Revival As the Church Nears Its 2,000th Year Anniversary Could what is happening in the grassroots of the Archdiocese of Louisville spread throughout America? See More What Do We Offer? In order to better equip and support Christian Creators from around the globe, we have many ways to connect and sponsor them. From a state-of-the-art social platform , an academy , to a creative agency , our mission is to build up the Church in every way possible. COMMUNITY ACADEMY AGENCY We Rely On Your Support "$1 Can Share Catholic Media With 25 People" Learn How Your Support Helps Creators Sponsor Awards & Contests Producing Next-Gen Christian Media Reaching millions around the globe Formed entirely by the most eager creators in our army, all of our content, f rom video, music, books, and podcasts, is released for absolutely free. We are building a new media network for the Kingdom. Learn More Plusieurs dates Speed Networking Session 30 juil. 2024, 19:00 UTC−4 Our Social Platform (Mighty) Détails
- Sacred Heart Creative Co. | Creative Agency | Catholic Creators
Sacred Heart Creative Co. Book a Discovery Call A worldwide agency of creators able to accomplish any task View all services Imagine if You Had an Army To Help You As a Catholic, your ideas are outnumbered . Call in our army of creators from across the globe, able to accomplish any goal and offer almost any service! We have specialized teams able to help you, both locally and remotely. This is a one-stop place for all. Learn More I'm Ready To Get Started! VIDEO PRODUCTION FULL-SCALE MARKETING AND DESIGN Case Studies Talent Book a Discovery Call Today! All Services
- Thank You Page | Christian Creators
Merci Nom du donateur Nous vous sommes très reconnaissants pour votre don généreux de $0. Votre numéro de don est le n° 1000. Vous recevrez bientôt un e‑mail de confirmation.
- Confraternity of Acutis | Catholic Creators
Confraternity of Carlo Acutis We are a confraternity of cyber missionaries, dedicated to evangelization through means of modern technology, modeled around the virtues of Bl. Carlo Acutis Obligations 1. Devote your life to sharing Jesus with others by your actions, prayer, and penance. 2. To be willing to embrace all strangers you may meet on the internet as friends, evangelizing among them with the charity of Christ. 3. To use the internet for good, forsaking immorality in all its forms, including sexual immorality, division, gossiping. 4. Celebrate the Feast Day of Carlo Acutis on the 12th of October, and the Feast of Corpus Christi, on each day renewing your consecration to Jesus in the Eucharist. 5. Understanding the immense potential and need of the Church to use new technologies to better enhance its mission of spreading the Gospel and saving souls, say daily our prayer: “Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist, remaining with us until the end of the age, inspire our hearts to spread your love where it is needed most of all. Amen.” Benefits —Participation in the daily prayers and merits of the other members. —A way of life that can make full use of your gifts —Rewards beyond number, seeing the fruit of your labor everywhere you bring the light of Christ. —A fraternity among members of the confraternity. —Firm commitment to evangelization and Jesus in the Eucharist. Means of Imitation Humility: Bl. Carlo Acutis exemplified humility in his actions, not desiring worldly fame or accomplishments, but lasting spiritual richness. May we too humble ourselves so that Jesus may reign in our hearts. Charity: Bl. Carlo loved Jesus, especially in the Eucharist, and this love flowed outward into everything he did. May we love God and our neighbors, for God loves us. Surrender: When it was his time to die, Bl. Carlo resigned himself to the will of God and accepted his impending death with serenity. May God’s will be done and not our own will. Zeal: Bl. Carlo Acutis evangelized in extraordinary ways not because he trusted in his own strength, but relied on Jesus with all his love, who all the more inflamed his desire to make the love of Jesus known to all. May we place all of our strength in Jesus and do all things through Him. Consecration to Jesus in the Eucharist The following is our Confraternity’s method of Consecration to Jesus, fully present in the Eucharist. This Consecration must be made before the Blessed Sacrament, in the true presence of Jesus Christ, reciting the words below or silently in your heart. Holy Communion the day before, the day of, or the day after, is recommended, as well as Confession the week of. If Sacramental Communion is not possible, Spiritual Communion suffices. Begin: Make the Sign of the Cross, then invoke Bl. Carlo Acutis and the Saints to pray for you, and invite Mary to join thee and assist thee in this Consecration. After a moment of silence, meditate on the following words of Scripture. “So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink. “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him. Just as the living Father sent Me and I live because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on Me will live because of Me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your fathers, who ate the manna and died, the one who eats this bread will live forever.” (John 6:53-58) “My Lord, and my God.” (John 20:28) For a prolonged period of silence, consider how Jesus is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, and how we receive Him during Holy Communion. Consider how Jesus is always present in our hearts and how He, Our Lord and God, sustains us eternally in His love. Pray: “Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament before me, may my heart desire to receive thee in Holy Communion. Heal all wounds in my soul and make strong my resolution to become a Saint and enjoy thy life-giving love forever and ever! I consecrate myself today to thee, my precious and beloved Lord Jesus, with me unto the end of the age in the Holy Eucharist. Amen.” Spiritual Communion (optional): “My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.” Registration Email the details of your consecration to We will add you to our official record and keep you updated with information about the Confraternity of Carlo Acutis. Include the following in your email: Name Address Date of your consecration to Jesus in the Eucharist Propagation If you feel called to share this Confraternity with others, sharing with them the life and example of Bl. Carlo Acutis, send us an email at We can help provide you with resources and support to enroll more members at your parish, school, work, or in your family, friend group, or community. More Information Stay updated by visiting our webpage: Do consider joining the Catholic Creators Mission Crusade, a fraternal organization for cyber missionaries: Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis Oh God, Our Father, thank you for giving us Carlo, a life example for the young and a message of love for everyone. You made him become enamoured with Your Son Jesus, Making of the Eucharist his “Highway to Heaven”. You gave him Mary, as a most loving Mother, and, with the Rosary, you made him a poet of her tenderness. Receive his prayer for us. Above all, gaze upon the poor, whom he loved and helped. Grant for me too, by his intercession, the grace that I need ... And make our joy fulfilled, placing Carlo among the Saints of your Church, so that his smile may shine again for us in the glory of your name. Amen Pater, Ave, Gloria (“Our Father”,“Hail Mary”, “Glory be to God”) Imprimatur + Domenico Sorrentino Bishop of Assisi Read the Confraternity Manual in PDF Form Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.
- Advertise With Us | Christian Creators
Advertise With Us A next-generation Catholic multimedia company Offering traditional advertising opportunities, as well as unique new models to reach new audiences Visit I AM Catholic Reaching Today's Catholics Learn More What we can offer For the modern consumer, one of the best advertisements your company can have is one so integrated in a piece of entertainment that it doesn't seem like an ad. With our huge YouTube network and original shows, we offer this opportunity. We also offer some forms of traditional advertising. If you are interested at all, let's talk today !
- Consulting and Strategy Services | Christian Creators
Consulting Services Often we get so focused on what is front of us that we forget to see the bigger picture. That is why we all need advice. Get Started This is How We Can Help Our Services Professional Consulting Mission Strategy On Demand Feedback
- Who We Are | Catholic Creators
Serving the Church Want To Join Our Army? Support Our Mission Forming an Army of Digital Evangelists The story of evangelization in the digital age is not yet written. At a time where most people are isolated and demoralized, we want to connect and sponsor hundreds of independent creators across the world , revitalizing creativity, and building media that will inspire for generations to come. We are supporting, teaching, and inspiring Catholic digital disciples with our community platform , academy , and local chapters . We also have a worldwide Catholic marketing and video production agency , able to offer many services. Catholic Creators is also the foundation of the I AM Catholic multimedia company, and Sacred Music . We hope you check out everything our apostolate has to offer! Thank you, and may God bless you@ Patrons of Catholic Creators: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, St. Bernard, St. Alphonsus, St. Francis Xavier, St. Phillip Neri, St. Anthony, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Francis de Sales, and Bl. Pauline Jaricot Join Our Newsletter To Receive Special Offers and Keep Up With Catholic Creators We're Ready To Help You You have ideas that could save souls. We have the people you need to bring those ideas to life. Book a Discovery Call
- Agency Guild | Catholic Creators
Agency Guild Sacred Heart Creative Co. is a worldwide agency founded by Catholic Creators. We partner with independent creators, freelancers, and other creative agencies. By joining our Guild, your partnership with us means that you are willing to take on new jobs. Our Guild receives clients of all-types, however you will only be given the work that you are able to do. Ask God if He wants you to join this army. We extend our hand to welcome you. Apply for the Guild Your Mission We exist to serve you. We will help you connect with clients and have a steady flow of work, that way your efforts are rewarding. You will remain totally independent—your work is your work. Innovate We are an agency with an aim of changing the world by creating excellent media Mentorship You are able to work together with and learn from some of the best digital disciples in the world today. Join the Army of Creators Let's work together on an adventure of a lifetime, all for the Glory of God! Apply for the Guild Sacred Heart Creative Co. is a united agency eager to build up the Church! Check Out the Agency
- Acts of Evangelism | Christian Creators
Acts of Evangelism A list of volunteer activities that spread light in the world Below are opportunities, ranging from writing letters to prisoners to street evangelization, that anyone can do to extend charity to others. Want to add an activity to this database? Click Here Write To Persecuted Christian Prisoners Did you know that you can write letters to dozens of Christians who were imprisoned for their faith, in places such as China, North Korea, Africa, Iran, and Central Asia? This resource below makes the letter writing process easy to get started. Think about how your letter could inspire a brother or sister in faith. Visit Prisoners of Faith St. Paul Street Evangelization "St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets." Visit St. Paul Street Evangelization Voice of the Martyrs Korea "From translating resources to recording radio broadcasts to preparing meals with North Korean defectors, there are many things you can do at Voice of the Martyrs Korea to serve the persecuted church around the world!" See Volunteer Openings Letters to Prisoners Extend charity to those most in need. Write a Prisoner makes it easy to write letters to a prisoner of your choosing. They handle all of the handling. You just have to focus on writing. Fast, easy, but very rewarding! Visit Write a
- Subscriptions | Christian Creators
Bundles and Subscriptions Bulk YouTube Thumbnails $US 25 25$US Tous les mois 7 jours d'essai gratuit Essayer gratuitement
- SERVICES ▼ | 35+ Creative Services | Catholic Creators
Our Signature Services The Full List Marketing Video Production Talent YouTube Help Discover Our Services For: Non-Profits Consulting Companies Video Production Parishes Writers Schools Youtubers Website Design Podcasters
- Portfolio | Christian Creators
We Work With Determined Apostolates and Creators See Our Case Studies Need Our Help?